①Preliminary investigation for listing support preparation
In preparation for listing, we will investigate the company’s capital relationship, contents of financial statements, status of internal control system, etc., to ascertain the status of fulfillment of formal criteria for listing, identify various matters to meet the substantive criteria and propose specific improvement plans. We also make concrete proposals on the ranking of these items and preparation schedules.
②Listing support consulting
We provide the following support for listing preparation.
1) Preparation of listing schedule
2) Guidance on project team formation and management education
3) Guidance on preparation of medium-term management plan
4) Preparation of business succession planning simulations
5) Planning of capital policy
6) Guidance on the establishment and operation of employee stock ownership plans
7) Guidance on measures against affiliated companies and improvement of transactions with major shareholders
8) Procedures and accounting guidance for mergers and business transfers/accessions
9) Guidance on development of business management organization including internal control
10) Maintenance of various regulations
11) Business systems (sales, production, purchasing, outsourcing, etc.) and maintenance guidance
12)Guidance on performance evaluation system and financial accounting system
13) Guidance on monthly closing and budget control system
14) Planning and guidance of cost accounting system
15) Guidance on personnel system and salary system
16) Guidance on preparation of listing application documents and listing examination
17) Response to other management needs
③Support for listing on overseas markets
As international accounting standards become more prevalent, overseas securities markets will become an option for Japanese companies to raise funds. Our firm provides support for listing in Asian markets in particular.